KFC removes ‘free to roam’ claims from Australian website
Major fast food chain KFC has removed claims that it sources chickens that are ‘free to roam’ from its Australian website.
The move comes days after the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) accused Baiada Poultry Pty Ltd and Bartter Enterprises Pty Ltd, both of which supply chickens to KFC in Australia, of making misleading promotional claims to sell their chicken products.
The ACCC has instituted proceedings in the Federal Court against Baiada Poultry Pty Ltd and Bartter Enterprises Pty Ltd which supply chickens nationally under the Steggles brand.
The ACCC has alleged that Baiada Poultry and Bartter Enterprises made “false or misleading” claims in print advertising and product packaging that Steggles chickens are raised in barns with “substantial space available allowing them to roam freely”.
Baiada Poultry “strongly refutes” the ACCC allegations
A spokesperson for Baiada Poultry told Australian Food News, “Baiada Poultry strongly refutes the allegation being made by the ACCC, and has referred the matter to its legal advisers.”
Steggles’ company website states, “We take a humane approach to our animals, seeking to maintain the highest standards of animal welfare in every stage of production. Contrary to popular belief, our chickens are not raised in cages – they are raised in custom built chicken barns where they are free to roam and have easy access to food and water.”
The Australian Chicken Meat Federation reports on its website, “Most Australian chickens bred for meat are raised in large, well ventilated, well-lit barns specifically designed to protect the health and welfare of flocks. Australian meat chickens are never kept in cages”.
these “well lit” barns often aren’t lit with natural light – can you imagine any animal growing without sunshine? how healthy do you think these creatures are? They also have very low muscle mass and high fat content and, in the end, are a very unhealthy meat to consume! Best to halve your meat intake and spend double on organice meats.
Do we care how they are raised before being slaughtered, plucked and cooked?