Ex-Woolworths deputy Greg Foran takes top job at China’s Wal-Mart

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 7th February 2012

Wal-Mart Stores Inc has announced that Australian Greg  Foran, former CEO of the leading Australian supermarket group Woolworths, has been appointed president and CEO of Wal-Mart China effective 1 March 2012.

After resigning from the position of head of food, liquor and petrol at Woolworths in July 2011, Greg Foran moved to theUSas senior vice president for Wal-Mart International and has been there since. This appointment will see Mr Foran take charge ofWal-MartChina’s retail operations, which include over 100,000 associates and over 370 store units.

Mr Foran will replace Ed Chan, who leftWal-MartChinain October 2011. This followed a controversy involving pork labelling violations by the group.

Mr Foran has over 30 years experience in the retail industry principally inAustraliaincluding senior roles within Woolworths such as General Manager of Big W and Dick Smith Electronics. His areas of experience include operations, merchandising, marketing and replenishment.

Mr Foran said he feels “honoured to have the privilege to lead our business inChinaand serve our customers there…Chinais a very important market for Wal-Mart and I look forward to working with our 100,000 associates.”