Packaged food and soft drinks account for half daily calories in Western countries Globally, consumers buy 1.5 trillion calories a day, with the average global consumer purchasing 765 calories each day...

Heart Foundation urges against paleo diet The National Heart Foundation of Australia has urged Australians not to go on any “fad diet” that eliminates any particular food group, including the paleo...

Food Standards Australia New Zealand reacts to criticism of drinks Health claims anomaly Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today called for submissions on its proposal to change the Food Standards...

Low saturated fat diets may not reduce heart disease Diets low in saturated fat may not curb heart disease risk or increase longevity, according to a leading US cardiovascular research scientist and doctor...

Australia’s Glycemic Index (GI) Symbol program, which helps to promote the benefits of a low-GI diet, has been showcased as a “global pioneer” at an international health summit, and highlighted as...

A study from Lund University in Sweden suggests that men who drink one normal-sized (330ml) soft drink per day are at a greater risk of getting more aggressive forms of prostate cancer. The study is published...

New research from Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) has found that rice can help maintain a healthy, low...

A new report published by the Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council has blamed the simplification of complex nutritional messages for grain foods like bread and pasta becoming the ‘scapegoat’ for...

Researchers from the University of Sydney have found that 12-year-olds who drink one or more fizzy drinks or cordial a day have narrower arteries in the back of their eyes, increasing their chances of...

Eating a high-fat breakfast may combat the symptoms of metabolic syndrome, according to researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The study, published in the International Journal of Obesity,...