Federal Cabinet still in disagreement on Country of Origin Reform It was reported on 25 March 2015 that new Country of Origin Labelling laws will be delayed until at least August 2015 despite the Prime...

New Danish research published today in the American Journal of Hypertension claims that, contrary to previous findings, reducing the amount of sodium in one’s diet may not have an overall positive impact...

Australia’s peak farming industry body, the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) and multinational Australian-based Westpac bank have launched plans for a Blueprint for Australian Agriculture. The blueprint...

The Federal Department of Health and Ageing is sponsoring the CSIRO to conduct three workshops around Australia as information-sharing forums for industry, government and researchers involved in food innovation...

Ensuring that nutrition and health form a major focus for the development of national food policy will be the aim of a national food conference in November, organised the Public Health Association of Australia...

Horticulture organisation Growcom has again called for a national food security policy in light of the release of the 2010 Intergenerational Report, which predicts an increase in Australia’s population...

A greater focus on food security in Australia from both sides of politics has been welcomed by Australia’s leading organisation representing food and grocery manufacturing, the Australian Food and...

Australia must urgently adopt a National Food and Grocery Agenda to ensure the nation’s long-term health, food supply and to protect thousands of jobs, the leading organisation representing Australia’s...