Soft drinks, burgers and chips are the diet of Australia's youth, according to ABS findings Teenagers and young adults consume more soft drinks, burgers and chips than any other age group according...

AusVeg has called on the Australian Government to strengthen CoOL The Australian vegetable and potato industries have called for consumers to be “given certainty” about the food they are eating,...

Mother's diet may be linked to preterm birth Pregnant women who eat a “prudent” diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and who drink water have significantly reduced risk of preterm delivery,...

Food manufacturing company McCain Foods has announced it will close its potato processing plant in Penola, South Australia, by 20 December 2013. The closure will see 59 permanent employees lose their jobs....

Carrots were the most commonly purchased vegetable in August 2013, with 94 per cent of consumers buying the vegetable last month, according to the results of a new survey of over 800 consumers conducted...

Two prominent Australian food manufacturers have announced they are feeling the pressure from a “very competitive food industry environment” and may forced to make closures and reduce grower contracts. Simplot...

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission proposes to authorise the South East Potato Growers Association and the Victorian Potato Growers Council and their members to collectively bargain with...

Vegetable processor McCain Australia is slashing the price it pays to its contract growers, and grower, let by the Victorian Farmer’s Federation are accusing McCain of bullying tactics. McCain’s aggressive...

A motion has been tabled in Victorian Parliament to urge vegetable processor McCain Foods Australia to keep collective bargaining in place for potato growers in Tasmania. McCain has been accused of “abandoning”...

Interest in ‘clean-label’ natural and additive-/preservative-free snack products, as well as the popularity of gluten-free snack products,  is rising globally, according to latest figures released...