Coles, in the early stages of a five year turnaround being orchestrated by a management team full of new blood, is set to lose one of their stalwarts at the end of the year. Mick McMahon, the man who led...

Tony Leon, an instrumental figure in building the Dan Murphy’s chain, has been recruited by Wesfarmers to become the head of their liquor division. Mr Leon announced he would step down from the...

Wesfarmers, Australia’s largest employer and owner of Coles supermarkets, has announced that the market share of Coles has begun to stabilise as initiatives to transform the business continue in...

Wesfarmers, the owner of Coles supermarkets since the $20b purchase of Coles Group last year, has disputed claims that the turnaround of the supermarket giant is taking too long. Wesfarmers CEO, Richard...

Trevor Eastwood AM today announced he would be stepping down as Chairman of Wesfarmers Limited at the company’s Annual General Meeting in November 2008. Mr Eastwood took up the role as Chairman of...