Australian consumers are being treated to considerable reductions in Champagne prices and making the most of it. According to market research leaders, The Nielsen Company, the average price of Champagne...

According the recently released 2010 Wider Beverages Report by leading market information company Nielsen; the latest trends in the Australian beverage market reflects a world where people are spending...

According to the latest research from The Nielsen Company, the profile of the Australian shopper is rapidly evolving and retailers and manufacturers in the Australian retail trade will need to develop...

Research by The Nielsen Company and the Natural Marketing Institute has shown that the health consciousness of consumers is directly reflected in their purchasing habits. The research divided US shoppers...

Retail researchers British Retail Consortium and Nielsen in the UK have reported the lowest food inflation rate of the year, falling from 1.4 per cent in April, to 1.3 per cent in May. This is the second...

Nearly two-thirds (65 per cent) of American consumers say they notice nutritional information on food packaging more often now compared to two years ago, according to a new global online survey by The...