Food Innovation Australia Limited has launched a UK Grocery Accelerator Program to help Australian food exporters establish themselves successfully in the United Kingdom and Europe. The 12-month pilot...

Assistant Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Craig Laundy, has announced the launch of Food Innovation Australia’s (FIAL) latest Sector Competitiveness Plan at the Australian Institute of...

Coles supermarket will be introducing a 14-day payment policy for its small suppliers which provide up AUD $1 million in product each year. John Durkan, Chief Executive of Coles, said it is a move intended...

With healthier eating and snacking between meals on the rise in China, there are excellent prospects for growth in the nuts category. Low cost domestic and other Asian suppliers enjoy significant market...

China’s large population of roughly 1.4 Billion which is expected to grow to 1.54 billion around 2040 is a consumer market which advances and evolves through urbanization & increasing middle class....

As incomes in China continue to rise, snacking between meals has become increasingly popular. Traditionally, nuts and seeds were often consumed as snacks in China – particularly when travelling – yet...

In recent years, consumption of coffee in China has been growing at double-digit rates, and shows very few signs of slowing. The presence of coffee shops is no longer a novelty, but rather an essential...

The first Australian book to celebrate innovation in the food and agribusiness industry was launched at the Australian Institute of Food Science & Technology conference, ‘The Pulse of the Industry’...

This report was written by Rod Arenas, Manager of Market Development at Food Innovation Australia Limited (FIAL). It was compiled as a summary of his presentation at FoodLegal’s Import and Exports Symposium...

This report is a part of Food Innovation Australia Limited’s China Insights series which explores different food products in mainland China. Chinese consumer markets for Western-style cakes and cake...