Fonterra has been forced to publicly defend the quality of its products amid allegations that Chinese customer and infant formula maker Synutra, whom Fonterra supplies, has sold milk powder that has caused...

An auction of the company at the centre of last year’s melamine dairy contamination has found a buyer, with Sanyuan buying Sanlu for 617 million yuan (A$145 million), China news agency Xinhua reported. Beijing-based...

Sanlu, the company at the centre of the recent melamine scandal in China, has been declared bankrupt by a Chinese court. The Intermediate People’s Court of Shijiazhuang issued the bankruptcy order...

The world’s biggest dairy exporter Fonterra, which owned 43 per cent of Sanlu Group – the company at the centre of China’s melamine scandal, has advised of their shock at the alarming...

As a Chinese court prepares to sentence those responsible for the melamine milk contamination that rocked China, 213 families have gone to the highest court in search of compensation. The families believe...

Fonterra, which owns 43 per cent of Sanlu – the company at the centre of the melamine scandal in China, has denied reports it is looking to sell its stake, according to ABC Online. News reports have...

In the wake of the Chinese milk scandal, which has led to the deaths of four babies and made of 54,000 infants ill, international food safety and health authorities are working together to determine the...

Following the contamination of Chinese milk products with the chemical melamine, China has removed over 7,000 tonnes of dairy products (primarily powdered and liquid milk) from retail outlets and food...

The number of infants sickened by tainted milk products has swelled to 53,000 according to the latest reports from the Chinese Government, with China’s Chief Quality Supervisor, Li Changjiang, stepping...

Fonterra’s Chief Executive Andrew Ferrier has told media today that he has been “frustrated” with the handling of the contaminated milk issue by Chinese authorities. A baby milk formula...