Harvey Fresh recalls batch of milk

Posted by Editorial on 4th September 2009

Western Australia-based manufacturer, Harvey Fresh, has recalled one batch of milk from supermarkets in response to claims of a ‘metallic’ taste. The move was made as a precaution following a number of complaints about its batch of two litre, full cream milk that expires on September 10.

Harvey’s Sales and Marketing Manager, Kevin Sorgiovani, advised that there was no danger in consuming the product but the taste had been impacted in such a way that it had become bitter.

“We’ve discovered that the problem with the milk is that it’s become protein unstable,” he said, according to ABC Online. “When the milk becomes protein unstable – through whether it be excessive heat or whatever it might be – it causes the milk to become bitter.”

“So for that reason we decided that even though we’ve taken the product off the supermarket shelves we’re going to put an ad in the paper just making people aware.”

No other products are affected.