Victorian Leader Business Award winners announced

Posted by Editorial on 13th October 2008

Devour Café of Thornbury, Fresh Fish on Line – a Melbourne seafood retailer delivering fresh seafood to customers’ doors and Sprinkle Emporium are the 2008 Businesses of the Year.The Leader Business Achiever Awards are presented across 22 categories, with winners selected from mystery shopping research and Leader readership votes, or by a judging panel.

Announced at a gala dinner in North Fitzroy last Thursday night, Mr Helper said the high standard of award recipients reflected the quality and calibre of small businesses in the state of Victoria.

“The Brumby Government is a proud sponsor of the Leader Business Achiever Awards 2008, which recognise and reward excellence and achievement,” Mr Helper said. “I commend each award winner and thank Leader Newspapers for championing local business achievement.”

Mr Helper added that the current market conditions were testing for many small businesses and suggested support would be on hand for those in need. “Current economic challenges mean it is now even more important that small businesses can access our support,” Mr Helper said. “Growing businesses provide jobs and income for Victorians – without these we can’t provide the services that Victorian people and communities need and expect from us.”