FSANZ considers permitting fluoride in bottled water
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) proposes amending the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to allow manufacturers to voluntarily add fluoride to bottled water.
The addition of certain substances, such as fluoride, must undergo a pre-market safety evaluation by FSANZ before they are approved for use at specified levels.
If FSANZ approves the sale of bottled water containing added fluoride, it will be a voluntary permission. Manufacturers will be able to add fluoride or not, under the conditions of the food standard.
Voluntary addition of fluoride to packaged water
(Application A588 – Draft Assessment)
The Australian Beverages Council Ltd has applied for approval for the voluntary addition of fluoride, at a level of 0.6 – 1.0 milligrams per litre (total of naturally occurring and added fluoride), to packaged (bottled) water. This level equates to fluoride levels in fluoridated reticulated water supplies.
The applicant claims approval would enable bottlers to offer fluoridated packaged water to consumers as an alternative to fluoridated reticulated water, or as a source of fluoride for those who do not have access to fluoridated reticulated water. FSANZ has concluded that there are no public health and safety concerns and propose to approve the application, with the condition that the presence of added fluoride must be stated on the package label.
Submissions: FSANZ welcomes public comment from industry, public health professionals, government agencies and consumers up until Tuesday 23 December 2008. Details of the applications above can be found at: www.foodstandards.gov.au.
they should be putting flouride in soft-drinks. people who drink bottled water take care of their teeth.
Have you ever wondered why Western Europe said no to flouride decades ago.
Have you ever thought of what the developled countries of Europe know that we have choosen to ignore.
These countries have said no to flouride, France, Sweden, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Finland, Austria & Belgium
“Fluoride chemcials are not included in the list [of ‘chemicals for drinking water treatment’]. This is due to ethical as well as medical considerations.” (Louis Sanchez, Directeur de la Protection de l’Environment, August 25, 2000).
“Drinking water fluoridation is not allowed in Sweden…New scientific documentation or changes in dental health situation that could alter the conclusions of the Commission have not been shown.” (Gunnar Guzikowski, Chief Government Inspector, Livsmedels Verket — National Food Administration Drinking Water Division, Sweden, February 28, 2000).
Just as DDT, aspestos, & smoking were all the rage in the past and have since been found to be not so great for humans, so will fluoride.
Lets hope our political leaders have the intelligence to see the truth.
I agree with Joseph and have done some research in this area after watching a documentary titled ‘The Fluoride Deception’, a very interesting piece put together by Christopher Bryson. This is a man who had no medical background, however he chose to dig up this issue and has plastered a very disturbing picture.
We must ask the question, why have some many european countries chosen to step away from fluoride for 20+ years, why is it just the US, Canada, Australia to name a few that have chosen fluoride in their water supplies.
Ask the question for these developed european countries, are they all walking around with dodgy teeth, maybe their are other ways to prevent tooth decay.
Also check out http://www.FluroideAlert.org who as of the end of 2006 posted an Alert to advise the public to this issue.
We may be witnessing another asbestos type situation in which we have been led to believe this is okay, when in fact it could be harming our health on a much broader level.
Do your research people, our family have chosen to adopt bottled water in Australia and will wait for further studies/information before allowing any of our kids to drink tap water.
This is the worst idea I’ve stumbled on all week. This suggests not only that fluoride is good for us, when it is not,( it is one of the main ingredients in rat poison, and has known affects of “dulling the senses” of people that use it. Not only that but ingesting fluoride can have the opposite effect than just rinsing with the product is supposed to, can cause yellowing and pitting in the enamel of teeth.) But now not even buying bottled water is a safe way to avoid the toxins that they put in the water we drink!