Facebook beverage sales to become reality

Posted by Daniel Palmer on 26th November 2008

A new application has launched on Facebook in the UK this month which enables users of the world’s most popular social networking website to buy real beverages for their friends instead of the usual virtual gifts made commonplace on the site.


Get Them In allows users to search from a range of alcoholic beverages (and complimentary snacks), select the friend they would like to send it to, pay for the product/s via ‘Google checkout’ and leave a message for their friend with the gift. The receiver will then get access to a voucher that can be redeemed at participating stores (there are “hundreds” in the UK).

Get Them In, which launched earlier this month, already has “1091 monthly users” and is looking to expand to other social networking sites such as MySpace, Hi5, LinkedIn and Bebo. The application is weeks away from launching in Australia and the creators are also looking to make the vouchers redeemable in bars in the UK.

The company has promised to give a percentage of their profits to a substance abuse treatment centre.

Get Them In follows the February launch of Celebrate, which allowed the website’s UK users to choose from a range of Mars confectionery gifts from the Celebrate Sweet Shop. The launch by The Light Agency coincided with Valentine’s Day and enabled receivers of the gift to print out a voucher and redeem it at one of 12,500 participating stores. Success appeared limited judging by the rating of the application (3 out of 5 stars), with some complaining of a fault with the system.

Facebook has been a global phenomenon but is it suitable for online shopping as well? The Generation Y market, the predominant users of Facebook, is renowned for their socialising and high spending habits. And, as divisions of real and virtual worlds become increasingly blurred, perhaps Gen Y would appreciate being able to quickly send a cheap, yet real gift, over a virtual medium.

As a result, expect the ability to buy a gift for a close friend to have an immediate appeal but will it last?