Flavours to watch in food and beverage for the year ahead

Posted by Daniel Palmer on 26th January 2009

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, an American-based maker of flavours and fragrances, has created their list of the top 10 flavours for 2009 in three categories: sweet (confectionery, bakery, dairy); savoury (meat, condiments, dressings, sauces, soups, seasoning); and beverage (non-alcoholic, alcoholic). So-called superfruits, such as Acai, are prominent as are a range of new, exotic flavours from around the world.


The top-10 lists are created after tracking samples that have been requested over a 12-month period, “Trend Scouting” on four continents and compiling trends from external resources such as market research firms and the media.

Sweet Flavours
1. Acai – A “superfruit” native to South America
2. Yuzu – A citrus fruit from East Asia
3. Guavasteen (Pineapple Guava) – Sweet fruit originating from South America and found in New Zealand and here in Australia
4. Red or Black Currants – High in Vitamin C, these are quite common in jams and cordials (red is more sour)
5. Acerola – A fruit with very high levels of Vitamin C
6. Lychee – Native to China and high in Vitamin C, the fruit has slowly made its way around the world
7. Camu Camu – Another high in vitamin C and originating from South America
8. Marula – Native to Africa, this fruit is used in the liquer Amarula
9. Persimmon – A berry seen in Asian and North American cuisine
10. Figs – A popular fruit grown in temperate regions including Australia

Savoury Flavours
1. Mediterranean Herbs and Spices
2. Habanero – one of the spiciest chillis
3. Tandoori Roasted
4. Olive Oil
5. Aged Balsamic Vinegar
6. Thai Green Curry
7. Satsuma Mandarin & Cracked Black Pepper
8. Peppadew – a fruit that is reportedly sweet with a spicy aftertaste (and a registered trademark of Pepperdew International)
9. Al Pastor – a slow-cooked spicy pork dish from Mexico
10. Chimichurri – an Argentinian sauce used on meat (made from chopped parsley/cilantro, garlic, salt, onion, pepper, paprika and olive oil)

Beverage Flavours
1. Yumberry – very sweet fruit popular in China
2. Golden Kiwi
3. Lavender
4. Triple Berry
5. Peppadew
6. Elderberry
7. Yuzu
8. Juniper Berry – Sharp, spicy flavour most likely to be seen in Europe
9. Bartlett/Williams Pear
10. Meyer Lemon – citrus native to China that has been described as a cross between a mandarin and a lemon