Mars promotes portion control and healthy eating

Posted by Janice Wong on 2nd June 2009

In a bid to tackle Australia’s obesity crisis, Mars has responded by reducing the size of its popular Mars bar, but without reducing the price.

Among a whole line of products also facing reduction in size, the Mars bar will become 11 per cent smaller.

Peter West, General Manager for Mars Snackfood Australia said it was a priority at Mars to make products better for consumers.

“We also recognise that our consumers have become increasingly concerned about the nutritional content and portion size they eat,”
he said.

In yesterday’s released report Weighing it up’ by House of Representative’s Health Committee, increased portion size was one of the contributors to Australia’s obesity levels.

Mars acknowledge that their products are not as healthy as fruit, and are encouraging consumers to always eat in moderation.

“It is a treat food and should be a small bit of pleasure in your day,” Mr West continued.

This decision is just one way Mars aims to promote healthy eating. The company also aims to remove artificial colours and flavours and to provide clearer nutritional labelling on products, including the Mars bar.