CHOICE claims food industry making “push to hide shrinking packs” Consumer group CHOICE has claimed some food companies have “big appetites for reducing the size of products without reducing...

Australian Government issues paper seeking submissions on Supermarkets Suppliers Code of Conduct before 12 September 2014 The Australian Government has released a consultation paper, ‘Improving Commercial...

Grocery retail growth strong but slowing The 14th AFGC CHEP Retail Index released today has shown year-on-year growth in retail sales has remained strong despite easing moderately in the June 2014 quarter. The...

ACCC threatens to fine companies if repealed Carbon Tax savings not passed on The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) has welcomed the Australian Senate’s vote to repeal the Carbon Tax. Meanwhile,...

The AFGC has released reports on market opportunities in Asia for food and beverage manufacturers The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) in partnership with Austrade has published a series of reports...

Food ministers sign off on new star labelling scheme The troubled Health Star Rating system for food labelling has been signed off by food and health ministers from the Australian Federal, State and Territory...

Financial squeeze getting tougher for food and grocery suppliers, AFGC A detailed financial health report on Australia’s $111 billion food and grocery sector has found suppliers being squeezed between...

The Australian food industry has mostly welcomed the Budget announcement, with the agribusiness sector largely spared the “fall of the axe” of austerity measures in the Budget, announced last night....

Monster Muesli's Berry Muesli, with Health Start Rating labelling Family-owned Australian muesli manufacturer Monster Health Food Co (Monster) is the first food manufacturer in Australia to use the...

Australia’s food and grocery body welcomes Government’s deregulation moves The Australian food and grocery sector is supportive of the Australian Government’s actions to reduce the regulatory burden...