Recommendations by Harper Competition Review receive government fanfare but government promises ‘further consultation’ The Australian Government has released the Final Report of the Harper Competition...

ACCC attacks government’s Competition Review recommendations, while other sectors respond The recommendations published this week in the Harper Competition Review Final Report have been largely welcomed...

ACCC submits official response to Harper Review Panel’s Draft Report The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has provided its submission in response to the Draft Report of the Competition...

Potential divestiture threat to Supermarket majors in Australian government Green Paper The Australian Federal Government is considering a range of reforms that would strengthen competition laws and regulation,...

ACCC Chairman calls for enforceability to be addressed in proposed grocery code In welcoming industry efforts to develop a code of conduct to address unfair practices in the grocery sector, the Australian...

Supermarkets sure to move into pharmacy with recommended changes in competition law With the recently-released Harper Competition Review Draft Report recommending that current recommendations on ownership...