Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has called for submissions on a proposed primary production and processing standard for meat in Australia. The proposed standard provides a national “whole...

The Australian Government’s main food regulatory standards agency, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), has begun development of a new food production and processing standard for game meat (Proposal...

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has announced that it will not oppose the proposed merger of the meat processing operations of Teys Bros (Holdings) Pty Ltd and Cargill Beef Australia. “The...

Cargill has merged its Australian beef business with Teys Bros., the country’s second-largest beef processor.The companies have combined their businesses into a 50:50 joint venture, which will trade...

The lockout of workers at the Swift meatworks in Brooklyn, Victoria, has entered its second month, after NUW members again voted to reject the company’s 2% annual pay offer. One hundred and forty...

New Zealand meat processor Silver Fern Farms is to increase capacity at three plants after a fire wrecked a facility in Te Aroha on Friday. A blaze late on Friday night “significantly damaged”...

New Zealand meat processor Silver Fern Farms revealed last week that it had swung to a loss in its most recent financial year after restructuring costs hit its bottom line. For the 12 months to the end...