Australian scientists have found a potential solution for maintaining certain globally planted crops during drought.   The finding has come after researchers from the Queensland University of Technology...

A fat recycling system within ‘beta cells’ in the pancreas that determines the amount of insulin the body produces could provide a target for future diabetes therapies, according to research from Sydney...

A pina-colada type fruit has been developed by Queensland researchers in a world-first infusion of pineapple and coconut. The Sunshine Coast Department of Agriculture has been developing the “AusFestival...

New American research published in the scientific journal of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) says that those exposed to pesticides are more likely to develop food allergies. The...

United Kingdom scientists at the University of Leicester have identified a gene that regulates fruit ripening. The discovery offers serious potential to aid food production by permitting more natural forms...

Scientists atAustralia’s most respected scientific body, CSIRO, hope to increase the levels of resistant starch in commonly consumed grains inAustralialike wheat in order to lower incidence rates...

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine, in the United States, claim to have identified a human receptor that can detect fat – irrespective of taste. Their research suggests that some...

Queensland Government scientists and researchers from the University of Queensland have discovered new anti-microbial properties in a combination of natural-plant ingredients, including two common native...

The latest study by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, in the USA, has raised fresh debate over the regulation of Bisphenol A (BpA), a chemical compound often used as protective lining...

The Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST) has announced the winners of the 2009 Student Product Development Competition, with David Chua, Trevor Goltz and Sarah Crennan from The University...