Helga’s is now selling a wholemeal gluten free bread loaf in Australian supermarkets. It says it is the first wholemeal gluten free loaf to be available in Australian supermarkets nationally. According...

New research has found benefit in eating wholegrains for those who want a healthy heart. Published in the latest edition of the American Heart Association journal, ‘Circulation’, the research revealed...

Breakfast cereal claims’ focus on fibre, wholegrains and protein, research Breakfast cereals have traditionally had a fairly healthy image, despite the proliferation of relatively high-sugar products...

‘Healthy diet’ linked to lower risk of chronic lung disease, study Eating a diet rich in whole grains, polyunsaturated fats and nuts – and low in red and processed meat, refined grains and sugary...

Health claims are rising in bread products globally Launches of new bread products have generally continued to rise globally and, within that, products using health claims of some kind made up over 42...

Studies released on 4 July 2012 in the international peer-reviewed journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research (MNFR) based in Germany address the effects of foods such as oats, virgin olive oil, and...

Scientists from the Nestlé Research Center in Lausanne, Switzerland, presented at the HealthGrain (http://lund2010.healthgrain.org/) conference in Lund, Sweden, new findings which confirm that a diet...