Jordan suspends import of Red Bull Cola

Posted by Isobel Drake on 1st June 2009

Jordan is the second country after Germany to ban Red Bull Cola. The Food and Drug Administration in Jordan (JFDA) has suspended the import of Red Bull Cola and ordered the withdrawal of all products from the market.

Mohammed Rawashdeh, Director of JFDA said this decision follows after food authorities in Germany found trace amounts of cocaine in the product, causing six states to ban the product from their shelves.

“Whenever we receive reports from any country regarding the withdrawal of a product from the market and we have it in Jordan, we do the same until we conduct the required tests,” Mr. Rawashdeh said according to the Jordan Times on Thursday.

Although the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment has said that the amount of cocaine was too low to pose a health risk, Jamal Anani, the Director of the National Centre for Rehabilitation of Addicts told the Jordan Times that any amount of cocaine may result in misuse or addiction.

The JFDA has now requested that border authorities do not allow the shipment of the Australian-manufactured product into the country.