Offering year-long weight loss classes could be the key to keeping thousands of people out of hospitals says a new study conducted in the United Kingdom. Published online last week in The Lancet Journal,...

The results from the CSIRO’s 2016 Healthy Diet Score are in and unfortunately most Australians have not fared well. After surveying 86, 600 Australians to give their diet a score out of 100, the CSIRO...

New Australian research has found that eating grains does not help you gain excess weight. In a study commissioned by the Grains and Legumes Nutrition Council, data which revealed the diets of 9, 341...

Five days of eating fatty foods can alter how muscle processes nutrients from food, research Many consumers might think that they can get away with eating fatty foods for a few days without it making any...

Onion extract may improve high blood sugar and cholesterol, study The extract of onion bulb, Allium cepa, strongly lowered high blood glucose (sugar) and total cholesterol levels in diabetic rats when...

Mediterranean diet betters exercise to cut heart disease risk by nearly half, latest study Adults who closely followed the Mediterranean diet were 47 per cent less likely to develop heart disease over...

Potato extract may control obesity, study A simple potato extract may limit weight gain from a diet that is high in fat and refined carbohydrates, according to research from McGill University in Canada. The...

High protein diet may reduce risk of high blood pressure, study Adults who consume a high-protein diet may be at a lower risk for developing high blood pressure (HBP), according to findings from the Boston...

Artificial sweeteners may lead to diabetes too, study Particular gut bacteria may induce metabolic changes that contribute to obesity and diabetes following exposure to artificial sweeteners, according...

Omega-3 fatty acids may lessen severity of osteoarthritis, study ‘Unhealthy’ dietary fats — not just obesity — may contribute to worsening osteoarthritis, according to researchers from...