Environment-friendly alternative to coated films to improve productivity?
Wipak has created new films in their Walothen range which they believe offer a sound alternative to conventional coated films and increase efficiency.
Walothen C 25 XLS E is an uncoated film that is capable of sealing at a temperature as low as 65° Celsius.
The low-temperature sealing BOPP grades increase productivity during the packing process, according to Wipak. Packers can reduce costs and increase their output as secondary packaging (such as a carton) is no longer required and the packing equipment can run at higher speeds.
Walothen C 25 XLS E has a thickness of 25 microns and, with a low seal initiation temperature from around 65° Celsius, Wipak believe it is ideal for packaging temperature-sensitive products such as chocolate, bakery products and pasta. Sealing at a low temperature will prevent the individual wrapping films (single wrap films) from sticking to the multipack overwrap film (bundle wrap film) and hopefully improve productivity for manufacturers.