Green Table Australia to reward restaurants for environmental best practice commitment
Restaurant and Catering Australia (R&CA) announced the launch of the Green Table Australia initiative on Monday night, which will encourage restaurants to reduce their impact on the environment.
Restaurants that adhere to the “best practice” suggestions of the program will be awarded with a Green Table logo that they can proudly put on display at their restaurant.
The initiative is based on the Green Table scheme successfully set-up in Canada and was officially launched at the Savour Australia Awards for Excellence on Monday night in Brisbane. It has been designed to make it easier for small businesses to reduce their impact on the environment.
Phase I of the program requires restaurants, cafes and caterers commit to:
• using natural gas or a minimum of 20% green electricity to power their stoves
• send their organic waste to compost
• recycle paper, plastic, glass, metal as much as possible
• use energy-efficient equipment and lighting
• use water-saving equipment and fixtures and
• use recycled, biodegradable and non-toxic supplies
Phase II is likely to begin in 2010 and will focus on measuring the carbon footprints of businesses and offsetting their emissions.
For more information about the program please go to: