Australian company looks to fruit to create bottled water
Karpati Water, a Sydney-based company, has come up with an innovative way of producing high quality drinking water from fruit.
The method utilised in making water from fruit incorporates the process of making fruit concentrates.
Fruit concentrates are typically made from steaming the fruit, with 3 out of 4 litres ‘steamed’ off to make the end product. Karpati Water, however, is made from a ‘pressure-chilling’ process, which reportedly retains the high quality fruit water and makes a great tasting fruit concentrate as well. The fruit concentrate is then exported.
The process can produce pure water from many types of fruit including oranges, apples, grapefruit or grapes, with no difference in taste or quality (the water does not have a fruit flavour). It produces approximately 3 litres of pure water and 1 litre of fruit juice concentrate from 4 litres of juice. Consequently, it reduces water wastage by close to 75%, while the ‘pressure chilling’ process decreases energy use in making fruit concentrates.
The water from fruit has a slightly different molecule composition – being h2o18 rather than h2o16 (predominant in drinking water), which the company reports is scientifically proven to keep people hydrated longer, as h2o18 is retained in plants whilst h2o16, evaporates with relative ease.
Karpati Water has been trialled in various cafes, restaurants and catering companies in the last month and is now launching to wider Sydney.