Foodbank praises food companies for bushfire appeal support

Posted by Daniel Palmer on 19th February 2009

The response from food companies to the appeal for supplies in the wake of Victoria’s tragic bushfires has been remarkable, according to VicRelief Foodbank – which has begun preparing long-term food aid for those affected by the disaster.

“Thank you so much, the response to the bushfires from generous companies, large and small, has been unbelievable,” Mike Cannon, from VicRelief Foodbank told Australian Food News. “We have gratefully accepted actual delivery of more than 700 pallets of food and grocery items in just seven days; and with much more scheduled for delivery in the next few days.”

“It has enabled much needed, immediate support and will continue to do so in the weeks and months ahead for those so tragically affected over such a broad area,” Mr Cannon explained. “In fact, the appeal has been so successful that now we have another favour to ask. Our analysis of stock shows that there is only one gap (instant coffee) in our current supply of both staples and the treats to go with them.”

Assistance is not immediately required but more will be needed in coming weeks and months.

“We estimate that we have at least two weeks supply of all major items and in some cases even more. We know that the need will continue for many months as thousands of people are housed in temporary shelters, caravans and dormitories as their burnt-out houses and shattered lives are slowly rebuilt,” Mr Cannon advised. “We ask that suppliers not offer actual products in the next ten days or so, but just drop me an email confirming their commitment to helping and I will come back to them with specific items that we need.”

To find out how you can help please contact Mike Cannon via email:

Financial donations can still be made to the Victorian Bushfire Fund via the Red Cross by calling 1800 811 700 or visiting