Tesco calls on former shoplifter to help ‘thief-proof’ stores

Posted by Isobel Drake on 9th September 2009

The UK’s largest retailer has enlisted the assistance of a former shoplifter in order to tackle the issue of theft in the grocery stores.

Tesco’s Eyes Wide Open campaign uses a training video made with the help of the former shoplifter to advise staff on how to reduce the likelihood of theft in-store. The video highlights the main products of interest to thieves and how they think they can get away with it.

“Shoplifting is an industry-wide problem and presents a challenge for retailers and manufacturers as well as the police and the courts. Despite its image as a victimless crime the reality is very different,” Tesco Retail and Logistics Director David Potts said, according to Retail Week. “It is an even bigger challenge during an economic slowdown when such crime increases.”

“The Eyes Wide Open project reminds us how important a role our staff have. Luckily for us, it shows us that thieves hate what our customers tell us they love – clear aisles and attentive staff – which is exactly what our former shoplifter says he fears most.”

The amount of shoplifted goods from Tesco each year would reportedly fill thousands of trucks so it is little wonder that the retailer is doing all it can to reduce such crime.

Mr Potts added that friendly staff were a major turn-off to thieves so this was one area where they could make a difference.