New fresh food facility opens in WA

Posted by Editorial on 30th October 2009

West Australian Agriculture and Food Minister, Terry Redman, this week opened a new state-of-the-art fresh food production facility in Bibra Lake.

Mr Redman said fresh produce would be sourced from Western Australian growers to supply the factory which will produce an average of 15,000 bags of fresh salads, vegetables and stir-fries per day for supermarkets and greengrocers across the State.

“The opening of Harvest FreshCuts is an exciting investment in WA, employing up to 100 people by the end of 2009 and injecting about $10 million into local industry,” he said. “The Department of Agriculture and Food have been working closely with the company to provide valuable connections with WA growers and will continue to support the company’s expansion in the State.”

Harvest FreshCuts is part of the OneHarvest group of companies. Founder and CEO, Rob Robson said he was proud to expand their Queensland-based family-owned and operated business into Western Australia.

“Many of the growers supplying Harvest FreshCuts are also family businesses with generations of experience with WA conditions that apply sustainable land management and modern business practices – it’s fresh food straight from the farm to the table every single day,” Mr Robson said. “Our produce is sourced from WA growers, from Carnarvon in the north to Manjimup in the south.”

Harvest FreshCut’s new factory uses a range of sustainability initiatives including water use management, low ammonia controlled refrigeration systems, energy sensitive lights to reduce lighting consumption and reticulated chill water systems designed to re-use water through the production day and reduce peak loads.