Don’t Be Among the 88 Percent of New Years Resolutions That Fail
It’s time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions! According to a recent national survey by the MorningStar Farms brand, among people who have made resolutions in the past, nine in 10 people have set health-related goals.
Such goals include losing weight (66 percent) eating less junk food (47 percent) and consuming fewer calories (36 percent).
However, when it comes to staying on-track and keeping those resolutions – health and otherwise – the majority of those surveyed (88 percent) indicate they have failed, with more than two-thirds of them calling it quits in three months or less.
“People often think that making a health-related resolution means sacrificing the foods they love,” said Ami Krishan, associate director for MorningStar Farms. “But, it’s easy for people to enjoy favorite foods, by simply making smarter choices.”
Choosing meatless products is one way to ensure resolution success.
Other tips include:
* Mapping a path to the end goal. Whatever it may be, choosing specific, measurable goals is a great way to help stay on-track.
* Use the buddy system. Friends can provide both support and encouragement and also a sense of accountability. Enlist a friend or two and start small. Aim to accomplish more each week and hold weekly check-ins to ensure everyone is on track.
* Keeping a diary or journal of progress is another great way to track progress against a goal. It’s fine to establish a rewards system for reaching milestones along the way.