New Australian ‘Superfood’ breakfast cereal helps reduce diabetes risk

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 26th February 2013

Goodness Superfoods has released a new range of products containing ‘BARLEYmax’, a grain developed by the CSRIO, which can help reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

The new ‘super grain’ is a natural, non-genetically modified wholegrain that contains twice the dietary fibre of other grains and has a low GI.

“In an era when new ‘superfoods’ are discovered almost weekly, the health benefits of ‘BARLEYmax’ wholegrain are highly credible,” says Dr David Topping from the CSIRO. “It has been through a rigorous set of animal and human trials to substantiate what we say about its benefits.”

Sydney nutritionist and supporter of Goodness Superfoods, Dr Joanna McMillan, is convinced of the benefits of the new cereals, saying they are “great for reducing many serious health risks that Australians are facing more and more.”

The new grain is in Goodness Superfoods range of cereals, Digestive 1st, Heart 1st and Protein 1st. Goodness Superfoods is an Australian owned brand based in Dandenong, Victoria.

Other known superfoods include blueberries, salmon, green tea, flaxseed oil and others.