FoodLegal InHouse, a compliance system that combines innovation with excellence

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 19th August 2015

FoodLegal InHouseFoodLegal InHouse is the name of the unique subscription service and compliance platform for food companies and food retailers developed by FoodLegal, Australia’s leading specialist food industry regulatory consultancy.


FoodLegal InHouse is believed to be the first system of its kind in the world. Its user-friendly and practical step-by-step guidance tools and powerful searching capabilities are designed to simplify company decision-making.


The system and its contents were developed by the FoodLegal team of lawyers and scientists based on more than 10 years of advising and training food companies. It addresses the vast array of compliance issues in food product composition, labelling and food marketing.


Information is all accessed by the food company through a portal dedicated to that company in one convenient location. It enables on-the-go projects to be bookmarked at any point in the process for ease of information gathering. Explanatory materials, regulatory guidance and access to a fully-searchable Food Standards Code and all other relevant information can be sorted and tailored to the user’s specific needs at any stage.


The system combines the best in information technologies and advanced search software, with FoodLegal’s regulatory expertise. It promises to be a ‘disruptive’ system transforming the way food companies can develop new products and create new marketing campaigns. It facilitates a culture of innovation with practical knowledge of compliance risks, and allows for assessment and management choices.


The system is maintained and constantly updated for new compliance issues and any regulatory changes.


For more information contact Craig Hunter at FoodLegal.