Disadvantaged groups would not be unfairly punished if a sugar tax was applied to drinks sold in Australia says a new study by Deakin University’s Global Obesity Centre. Deakin researchers found that...

Burnt toast might be doing worse things to you than ruining the taste of your breakfast says a British government food agency. The UK’s Food Standards Agency has launched, Go for Gold, a campaign warning...

A centre dedicated to researching and fighting childhood obesity in children aged 0-5 years has opened at the University of Sydney. The ‘Centre for Research Excellence in the Early Prevention of Obesity...

Researchers from the University of Adelaide have made a remarkable discovery, no pregnant women were found to be correctly following the Australian Dietary Guidelines on consumption of the “five food...

A recent broadcast by Australia’s public broadcaster ABC Radio National has led to accusations and counter-accusations of bias for and against the sugar industry. On Sunday 9 February 2014, the ABC radio...

The University of Queensland’s School of Public Health has released research finding that food industry regulation and the aggressive prescription of drugs would save more lives than lifestyle advice. Dr...

Teaching new mothers about healthy eating and active play can reduce the risk of their child being overweight or obese, new research from the University of Sydney has found. The study, a collaboration...

Global foodservice retailer, McDonald’s, has rejected a resolution requiring the corporation to publicly assess the impacts of its food on public health. At the company’s annual shareholder meeting,...

Dr Rosemary Lester has been appointed Victoria’s new Chief Health Officer. She will also play the key role of food safety pronouncements and enforcement actions in the State of Victoria. Dr Lester, formerly...

The 2nd National Sustainable Food Summit, will take place in Sydney on 3-4 April, 2012, and a pre-conference on the 2 April. The summit is being promoted by Three Pillars Network, will gather over 340...