Trans-fats not to face further regulation

Posted by Editorial on 23rd October 2009

A decision by the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council today not to recommend further regulation of trans-fats in foods has been welcomed by the Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC).

With evidence that dietary intakes of trans-fats have fallen substantially in Australia, a communiqué by the Ministerial Council endorsed a recommendation to retain the current non-regulatory, industry-based approach to reducing trans-fats in foods.

AFGC Chief Executive Kate Carnell said the Ministerial Council recognised the significant hard work in reducing trans-fats by the food manufacturing industry.

“These impressive results highlight the success of industry and government working together to address this important issue and to provide better public health outcomes,” she suggested.

Ms Carnell said the food manufacturing industry also looked forward to continuing to work with government on reducing intakes of saturated fats in Australia similar to the approach currently being undertaken in reducing salt in foods.

The AFGC was also supportive of the appointment of former Australian Health Minister, Dr Neal Blewett AC, who will head up the Food Labelling Review Panel which will undertake a comprehensive examination of food labelling law and policy in Australia.

“To ensure this comprehensive review process, it’s important that the review takes as long as needed,” Ms Carnell said.

Front of pack labelling will be one of the key issues referred to the comprehensive review.