Milk prices on the move: Fonterra

Posted by Isobel Drake on 4th November 2009

The latest globalDairyTrade event, Fonterra’s internet-based sales platform, has again provided optimism for the dairy sector, with the average price for Whole Milk Powder surging 13.7%.

The trading manager, CRA International, advised Fonterra that the average price achieved across all contracts for Whole Milk Powder (WMP) was US$3,437 (A$3800) per tonne FAS, some $415 per tonne higher than the October event.

Nigel Kuzemko, Director Commercial & Strategy, Fonterra Trade & Operations, said demand had been strengthening, along with pricing, in recent months and there was more positive sentiment in the market. But the size of the lift in pricing this month showed customers demonstrating some urgency in refilling their supply chains.

“This is a reflection of the prices that buyers are prepared to pay on the day to secure product in these contract periods,” he noted. “And we do have a tight supply situation for most products.”

However, Mr Kuzemko cautioned that the recovery in consumer demand and the economic situation were still relatively fragile.

The recent move by the Dairy Management Committee of the European Commission to reduce the level of intervention in dairy markets was a positive step which would encourage market stabilisation.

“It provides further confirmation of the improving market situation,” Mr Kuzemko said.

Anhydrous Milk Fat (AMF) was traded on globalDairyTrade for the first time. The average price achieved across all contracts was US$4,757 per tonne FAS.

Mr Kuzemko said AMF’s strong start confirmed a shortage of supply.