Wheat classification system extended

Posted by Nicole Eckersley on 20th July 2010

The classification system for Australian wheat, designed to provide grain of consistent physical quality, processing perfomance and end-product quality, has been extended to the end of this year.

The current arrangements will continue until 31 December 2010, with the agreement of the Grains Research and Development Corporation.

GRDC Executive Manager Varieties Mr John Harvey said the GRDC Board received a report from Wheat Classification Council at their June meeting which included a series of recommendations to provide a secure long term structure for the delivery of wheat classification arrangements to service the grains industry into the future.

“There is strong support from Australia’s wheat industry – including growers, wheat breeding organisations, seed industry companies and marketers – for the wheat classification process to continue to ensure Australia remains a world leader in the quality of its wheat varieties,” he said.

“The WCC recommendations were developed after an extensive industry consultation process to determine an appropriate model for wheat variety classification, to ensure the needs of industry were met”

Harvey said that a classification system was important to Australian wheat.

“Supplying consistent products increases the marketability of Australian wheat and helps maximise returns to growers,” he said.