Japan suspends imports of Australian poultry products

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 31st January 2012

In a response to notification of a low pathogenic influenza detection in ducks on a property in Victoria, the Japanese government announced today that it had suspended imports of Australian poultry products and egg-derived products.

However, questions were being raised as to the extent of the suspension, given that there are many processed foods that can contain small amounts of egg-based ingredients. Further talks are taking place between the Australian government and the Japanese government officials to clarify the position.

At this time, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) is urging Australian exporters of locally processed foods containing small amounts of egg products to contact their buyer to confirm export conditions for Japan prior to export.

DAFF  indicated the Australian government is working closely with Australian industries and relevant partners to ensure there is no disruption in trade.