Victorian Government teams up with Jamie Oliver to tackle obesity

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 7th March 2012

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver was joined yesterday by Minister for Health David Davis to announce the launch of Jamie’s Ministry of Food as part of the Victorian Government’s new campaign to tackle obesity – the ‘Victorian Healthy Eating Enterprise’ (VHEE).

The Baillieu Coalition Government is partnering with The Good Foundation to set up Jamie’s Ministry of Food, a cooking and nutrition education program, in Victoria.

The Government has committed AU$2.87 million to establish Jamie’s Ministry of Food in Victoria, with a further AU$2.54 million from The Good Foundation through its partners. The Good Foundation was founded in 2010 by electrical retailer The Good Guys to focus on programs and projects that promote good health and nutrition, with the first priority program being Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia.

The location for the first Victorian Ministry of Food centre is yet to be decided. However it will be in one of the 12 ‘prevention areas’ in the State.

Jamie Oliver was approached by The Good Guys to bring the concept to Australia to address the rising levels of obesity and the epidemic of diet related disease the country is facing.

Victoria is the second State to partner with The Good Foundation, after the opening of the first Australian Ministry of Food Centre and Mobile Kitchen in Queensland.

Jamie’s Ministry of Food is a community focused program that teaches basic cooking skills and good nutrition to non-cooks, regardless of age, demographic or ethnicity.

Alicia Peardon, Program Director for Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia said, “Jamie’s Ministry of Food is a practical solution to the problems of obesity and diet-related disease and a response to the lack of basic food skills in today’s population. It’s about teaching people to start cooking for themselves once again and equipping them with some simple skills and knowledge.”

Participants throughout the State will learn Jamie’s hints, tips and shortcuts to cooking affordable, healthy meals, using fresh ingredients.

“Jamie’s Ministry of Food in Queensland has delivered remarkable outcomes for Ipswich locals,” said Ms Peardon.