AUSTRALIA is almost certain to avoid a tax on sugary drinks as Labor confirms in the senate report Obesity Epidemic in Australia that it does not support the levy adopted by 30 other countries. The Greens-Labor...

HOW long now until sugary drinks carry the sort of gruesome medical images used on cigarette packets warning smokers of the damage to their health? This week sugar and sugary drinks’ seemingly inexorable...

WE know drinking soft drink can be bad for the waistline, now a study by Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute researchers provides evidence of the damaging metabolic effects on overweight and obese people...

A SPIRALLING decline in beer drinking is leading Australia to a 55-year low in alcohol consumption, though figures show ours “guts” continue growing. The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics report,...

WE all know eating “healthy” food is good for our physical health and can decrease our risk of developing diabetes, cancer, obesity and heart disease. What is not as well known is that eating healthy...

FOOD and drink makers using sugar face a new age of compliance as a Senate inquiry into Australia’s obesity epidemic is about to report. The committee, chaired by former GP and Greens leader Richard...

The number of Australian women who are obese or overweight during pregnancy is increasing, resulting in worrying health outcomes University of Sydney researchers have reported. Published online by the...

The Australian Federal Government has said it has no intentions of introducing a tax on sugary drinks despite renewed calls to do so from the Australian Medical Association. Late last week, the Australian...

Australia’s 2017-2021 food regulation priorities has been announced. The Australian food regulators priorities for 2017-2021 include: Reducing foodborne illness, particularly related to Campylobacter...

The French government has banned food service providers from offering free soft drink refills. The ban affects all restaurants and fast food outlets, along with schools and camps. Alongside sugary soft...