Liquor fees halved for low risk licensees
The Victorian Government has announced changes to liquor licensing fees to help ease the burden on businesses and community groups that pose a low risk in relation to alcohol-related violence.
Minister for Consumer Affairs, Michael O’Brien said that for more than 10,000 small businesses and community clubs right across Victoria it means liquor licensing fees will be more than halved.
The base renewal fee has been reduced for the following categories:
* full club (without gaming machines)
* restricted club
* vignerons
* restaurant and cafe
* renewable limited
* BYO permits
“The government believes that the former Labor government’s increases in licensing fees have caused an unnecessary financial burden on community clubs and businesses who pose a low risk in relation to alcohol-related violence,” Mr O’Brien said.
“The government has therefore taken action to reducing the licensing fee burden for many businesses and community based clubs.”
“So restaurants and cafes including BYO, vignerons, limited and restricted clubs licensees, who would have been paying over $400 will now pay a base renewal fee of just $200.”
“Full club licensees without gaming, that were facing fees of more than $800, will now pay just $400.”
The fee structure is a risk-based model that sets fees according to the risks of alcohol-related harm posed by different types of licences.
“Licensed premises that pose lower risk pay lower fees,” Mr O’Brien said. “The fees reflect the risk posed by different types of venues. The later venues trade and the larger they are, the more risk there is to the community.”
The government will also review fees for packaged liquor licences, to address any anomalies that see all packaged liquor outlets charged the same fee regardless of their size.
Licensees can seek to reduce their liquor licensing renewal fee by applying to reduce their patron numbers or trading hours.