Dr. Oetker launches new baking and decorating range

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 26th October 2015

Dr Oetker Sprinkles - Polka Dots (002)Germany’s Dr. Oetker brand has launched a new baking and decorating range in Australian supermarkets.


The new range is made up of 34 products and includes baking powder, gel food colours, sprinkles, three kinds of icing, wafer daisies and edible cupcake cases.  


Dr. Oetker’s new range will be supported with launches at the Melbourne ‘Cake Bake and Sweets Show’, sponsorship of the ‘Great Australian Bake Off’ television show and in-store supermarket displays.


Executive Business Development Manager for Dr. Oetker Australia, Andrea Stieg, said that the range aims to cover all basic baking needs and baking powder is packaged in sachets which will help keep the contents fresh.           


The new baking and decorating range is available now from Coles supermarkets across Australia. Recommended retail prices range from AUD$1.10 –  5.00.  


About Dr. Oetker


Dr. Oetker is a family owned company headquartered in Bielefeld, Germany. The company owns the popular Ristorante frozen pizza range sold in Australian supermarkets.
In May 2015 Dr. Oetker acquired Queen Fine Foods, a leading vanilla essence and food colouring brand within Australia and New Zealand.