Rudd Government to host forum for small business to discuss economic concerns

Posted by Daniel Palmer on 20th October 2008

The Federal Government has announced that they will host a Small Business Summit on the global financial crisis in Brisbane this Friday.The forum, organised in collaboration with the Council of Small Business of Australia and Commerce Queensland, will allow small business operators and their representatives to discuss, with the Prime Minister, the impact of the global financial crisis on the small business community. Treasurer Wayne Swan and the Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law Senator Nick Sherry will also attend the Summit, with major bank lenders invited to explain their lending policies for small businesses.

“Small businesses are usually the first to feel the effects of an economic downturn,” a Government statement noted. “The Government is committed to supporting Australia’s small businesses through this financial crisis. The Government will continue to liaise with both big and small business as we work on a co-operative and sustained strategy to see this crisis through.”

“The Government does not hold all knowledge when it comes to dealing with economic turbulence and input from the small business community is essential,” the statement added.