Tasmania on course to double salmon production by 2030

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 6th October 2011

The Tasmanian Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Bryan Green, said today that the State’s salmon production will likely double by 2030.

Last year, Tasmania’s salmon industry produced over 30,000 tonnes of fish. Minister Green said that salmon production in Tasmania had increased by A$250 million in the past five years, growing by almost A$1 Million a week.

Minister Green said, “The roll out of irrigation schemes as part of Tasmania’s A$400 Million water development plan should keep momentum going. This development plan aims to provide further opportunities for farmers to grow and diversify their businesses.”

The news coincides with the release of a ‘Food and Beverage Scorecard’ by Tasmania’s Department of Primary Industries Water and Environment. This shows a steady increase in the gross value of agricultural and fisheries production for Tasmania of just over A$1.6 Billion a year.

Mr Green said there had been steady growth in the overall value of food production in Tasmania since the first Scorecard was produced by the Department of Primary Industries Water and Environment in 2004-05.

“The Scorecards are based on ABS and industry data which provide important information to guide future investment decisions,” he said.