Bananas are Australia’s most popular fruit, new Nielsen research has found. After surveying Australian households, Nielsen discovered that in the past year, nine out of 10, or 94 per cent, purchased...

The statistics are in on Australia’s 2016 Christmas grocery spending and unfortunately for the supermarkets it was not a big spending year. According to Nielsen, in the four-week period ending 31 December...

Over half of Australians say they would spend more with a retailer who offers a loyalty program over one who does not says Nielsen research. According to Nielsen, six in 10 Australians are more likely...

Online grocery shopping is growing seven times faster than the rest of the Australian grocery market says the latest research from Nielsen. According to Nielsen, online consumer spending is predicted to...

Nielsen research has found almost half of Australian consumers wish there were more “all natural” food products on supermarket shelves. The findings from the Global Health and Ingredient Sentiment...

Australian males under the age of 45 are the biggest driving force behind increasing online grocery shopping figures says a new report by Nielsen Research. According to Nielsen’s annual Australian Connected...

The best new food products in Australia over the past 12 months have been revealed after Nielsen surveyed more than 14, 000 Australian consumers to find of the Product of the Year in each product category.   Woolworths...

New market data released by Nielsen has revealed that more shoppers are buying fresh produce from Aldi.   The supermarket chain has recently experienced above-normal growth in value for a number...

Young Australian families and young adults are buying Asian vegetable varieties more frequently than last year and are buying more each time, according to the latest Nielsen consumer research.   Nielsen...

Mediterranean diet betters exercise to cut heart disease risk by nearly half, latest study Not everyone agrees on the best methods to lose weight, but nearly three-quarters (74 per cent) of global consumers...